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    SELL WITH US NOMAD LIFE is a curated marketplace. If you're offering beautifully made products celebrating our concept store look, simple modern design then, we would love to hear from you! HOW IT WORKS We search for local and International artisans with unique handmade products we know you will love. We then invite them to set up their products on our site and our physical shop and make them available for you to buy in one or two easy clicks. We do not stock all their products only what we have curated and selected making each items unique and one of a kind. Items available in store can be picked up or shipped right away therefore Pre-Order purchased item will then be a purchase that will be shipped to you once ready. WHY OUR MARKETPLACE ? Connect online with our loyal and discerning customers who are just as passionate as you are about shopping for unique handmade and original contemporary designs and products. ACCESSIBLE & SUSTAINABLE Working with us online and in store lessens the need to travel for you and your customers, reducing the overall carbon footprint of the craft sector; we are already committed to making our Shop more sustainable and accessible to makers and visitors. A PASSION FOR TECHNOLOGY We are supporting the digitization of the craft sector and understand the benefits of virtual selling. We continually focus on creating virtual solutions for creative businesses, allowing you to pick and choose features based on your individual needs and unique financial constraints. Join our successful crafts people community and apply to sell with us today. HOW OUR DOES IT WORK 1. LOGIN/ SIGN UP Fill our Seller Application Form and become a member to our online page Choose our different Seller Package that fits your best Send us your best sellers designs that fit our concept store and submit to us via email with selling price. Once your application is approved, you will receive an information pack along with a contract to sign to have your approval as an online platform once return to us we will start creating your visibility page and add your products 2. CREATE AND TELL US YOUR STORY Tell your potential new customers about who you are and what you are selling. Once you have the basics sorted you can start creating details of your products. It is essential that each product has a lifestyle image and at least three images; one with a plain background, one close up, one where the product is in use (in a lifestyle setting or worn on the body). if pictures are not provided we will then take products pictures that suit the platform best. 3. SELL Once your profile is up and running with your products listed, customers will be able to view your products and profile trough our Artisans Page, Made in Montenegro Collection or throughout the site. You will be notified by email as soon as you have sold an item. 4. DELIVERY + SHIPPING Once an Item is sold Locally or Internationally you will receive an email to ship to our facility so we can provide Shipping and Delivery where you will receive the amount paid as soon it has been shipped and delivered to our customer. For international makers items will be shipped directly from your location. OUR TEAM There is always a member of the team available to help AFFORDABLE We offer three different packages to suit your creative business needs. SECURE, SAFE & PROTECTED We use a secure payment provider to process all your transactions. WORK ANYWHERE You can participate remotely from your own studio, workshop or home at your own pace and continue to work through show week, reaching our national and international online visitors. KEEPING ON TOP OF SALES It is good for business to refresh your products to include and promote new work. We can also provide marketing and advertisement for your products with a small fee that is paid once product is sold. APPLY Being a curated marketplace there is a short application process which allows us to get to know you and your collection better. What do I pay? Its Totally Free to have a presence in our marketplace. We take commission only on sales. Our commission structure is very simple and based on sales. The details of the commission are included in your information pack. Some internal conditions may apply. For advertisement only on your request and approval we use third platform and their respectable charge per day for a period of time it is up to you to choose what fits you best and we charge a small commission to do the work, follow up, it is paid once an item is sold. When do I receive payments? We will credit your account with payments received from customers as follows: On the last working day of the month, we will ask you to raise the invoice for the products delivered in that month. We will pay you within 28 days of our receipt of the invoice raised. Please note that if the order is placed in that month and it is not delivered until the following month, that sale will automatically be considered in the following month’s invoice. Do you offer different accounts depending on business size? Handmade Online Marketplace – Fill in our application form. Once your work has been reviewed and approved we will send the information pack and contract. Is there an app? At the moment there is no App. we are working on it However, we have made sure that our website is fully optimized for mobiles, so our browser translates fluently from desktop to mobiles. This means that your audience capacity will not be limited to desktop searches. Is there a minimum subscription period, or a cancellation fee? There is a minimum of a 12 month subscription period. If you cancel within this timeframe there will be a cancellation fee. What do I need to sell my product? You will need access to the internet, an idea of delivery costs, and some information about yourself and your products.
    WHY ADVERTISE WITH US? Connect with our engaged audience. Increase your brand awareness and promote your business. NOMAD LIFE has established itself as one of online leading craft and design promoters. Over the past months, we have cultivated a community craft and design enthusiasts who range from professional designer-makers, industry contacts, press, international buyers, diy craft-lovers, and those who simply have a love for handmade craft. ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES We offer a range of advertising opportunities that we can curate to your unique needs. These include: SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN • Choose from a variety of packages, including one-off posts to all of our social media platforms, or a series of posts (up to 12), depending on your marketing needs. EMAIL MARKETING – NEWSLETTER - BLOG • Options to be included in our newsletters are available, with placements tailored to suit your needs. WEBSITE FEATURE • Opt for a website banner to visually engage with our customers immediately. For more information on advertising opportunities packaging prices please contact APPLICATION FORM First you must fill the Application form to activate the process
    OUR TEAM We at NOMAD LIFE are passionate about championing handmade craft and sustainable living, all while reflecting the incredible talent of the designer-makers that reside across Montenegro and around the world. As a team, we pride ourselves on providing independent designer-makers with innovative ways to connect with their customers both locally and internationally in a friendly and professional manner. WHOLESALE + STOCKISTS + OWN LABEL SERVICE We love to partner and grow with like-minded local and international retailers. We welcome wholesale| Stockist & Own labels for Nomad Life Studio, Candles, Room Sprays and Diffusers. For more information and to request wholesale pricing, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your business details, along with any questions that you have for us. You can fill out the application form below and we can process the order privately. We look forward to connecting with you! AFFILIATE PROGRAM We love to partner and grow with like-minded local and international retailers and influencers. We can work together to build a larger community with you! WORKING AT OUR EVENTS Throughout the year, NOMAD LIFE will hosts a variety of craft and design events. If you are interested in working with us at one of our upcoming events or workshops, please watch this space and Arts Jobs for specific opportunities. Alternatively, you can email the contact below to register your interest or you can fill out the application form for a faster process. POP UP at our SHOP If you are interested in displaying your products are our shop for community feedback and sell product. This service is for you with days or weeks option we can help you with our social Media advertisement, and attract sells directly to you in the shop. You can fill out the application form for a faster process. JOB OPPORTUNITIES Currently, there are no vacancies at NOMAD LIFE. Please follow us on social media to hear about any future opportunities.
    Buy Now, Pay Later offers shoppers the flexibility to pay off purchases over time. Nomad Life has partnered with Paypal to give you the flexibility to pay off your orders in four interest-free payments spread over six weeks. Total amount purchased required to apply for this Opportunity is €100.00 At checkout if you select Offline Payment with Installments in your Order Note we will then contact you and create an account for recurring payments of your invoice. You must open an account on Paypal to activate installment If your located in Montenegro and wish to Open a Buy Now, Pay Later request at your purchase you must pay 25 % of the amount upon Delivery of your Order and activate the account to Pay the rest over the next 6 Weeks. International Buyers must register a Paypal account to get activated
  • Kako naručiti?
    Za narudžbu slijedite ove korake: 1. Dodajte željeni artikl/e u košaricu 2. Pregledajte košaricu - Unesite adresu, ime, broj telefona i e-poštu za potvrdu narudžbe i izračun dostave 3. Plaćanje putem PayPala ili pouzećem samo u Crnoj Gori ili plaćanje putem fakture po primitku ili Kontaktirajte nas putem Facebooka, e-pošte ili Instagrama slanjem svoje snimke zaslona s punim imenom, lokacijom i opcijama plaćanja.
  • Što su artikli prednarudžbe
    Nudimo artikle u prednarudžbi za skladište. Ima malu tvrtku i želimo ponuditi ono što klijenti stvarno žele! Dakle, umjesto da zaliha nije prodana, mi nudimo proizvod koji se može kupiti po vašoj narudžbi i isporučiti kada proizvod bude na zalihi. To nam također pomaže da znamo što tržište želi i čim naručimo taj artikl, dobivamo dobru količinu koju imamo na zalihi!
  • Što ako artikli koje želim nema na zalihama
    Uvijek možete naručiti, a mi ćemo isporučiti čim budu ponovo na zalihama. Neki artikli možda nisu na zalihama, ali ako se narudžba izvrši, obavijestit ćemo vas o vremenu i danu isporuke
  • Koje su zemlje u koje ste poslali svoje proizvode
    Do sada smo slali u Švicarsku, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Novi Zeland, Njemačku, Španjolsku, Bosnu i Hercegovinu, Srbiju, Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo, Italiju… sve cijene dostave izračunavaju se na blagajni! Ako imate problema s cijenom dostave za svoju narudžbu! Ne ustručavajte se kontaktirati nas!
  • Kako mogu koristiti poklon karticu?
    Kako mogu koristiti darovnu karticu? Poklon kartice isporučuju se e-poštom. Za aktivaciju kliknite na gumb 'pogledajte svoju darovnu karticu', koja će otkriti jedinstveni kod darovne kartice. Ovaj se kod zatim može iskoristiti na blagajni Mogu li kupiti više od jedne darovne kartice? Da, u svoju košaricu možete dodati onoliko darovnih kartica koliko želite. Samo odaberite darovnu karticu koju želite (npr. 20 €) i kliknite na gumb 'dodaj u košaricu'. Zatim ponovite ako želite dodati još Mogu li darovnu karticu koristiti više puta? Da, sve dok na kartici još ima sredstava, možete je koristiti više puta Mogu li koristiti više od jedne darovne kartice za kupnju?Da, možete izabrati da iskoristite više od jedne darovne kartice na blagajni, npr.: darovne kartice od 20 € i 10 € za narudžbu od 30 € Mogu li koristiti darovnu karticu zajedno s kodom za popust? Da, darovne kartice su oblik plaćanja Koliko dugo darovne kartice vrijede? Svaka darovna kartica vrijedi 12 mjeseci od datuma kupnje Postoje li naknade za obradu darovnih kartica? Ne, nema dodatnih naknada za obradu
  • Program vjernosti kako funkcionira
    KOJA JE PREDNOST PRIDRUŽIVANJA PROGRAMU? Imat ćete priliku zaraditi bodove na jednostavan način i kupovati uz popust.- KOŠTA LI SE PRIDRUŽITI? Naš program vjernosti je potpuno besplatan! To je naš način da kažemo 'hvala' našim sjajnim kupcima! - ŠTO SE RAČUNA KAO AKUMULACIJA? Primit ćete Nomad bodove za svaki novac potrošen na stavke Nomad Life. Ovo ne uključuje poreze niti komplementarne usluge kao što je prijevoz. - ŠTO DA UČINIM AKO VJERIM DA BODOVI NISU ISPRAVNO DOPISANI NA MOJ RAČUN? Ne brinite, uvijek nam možete poslati e-poruku na i mi ćemo vam pomoći. - KAKO MOGU VIDJETI SVOJE TRENUTNE BODOVE? Moći ćete vidjeti svoje bodove na svom profilu vjernosti koji ste izradili kod nas. Naš program vjernosti kreiran je s vama na umu, jasan je i jednostavan za praćenje! - DOBIVAM LI OBAVIJEST KADA ZARAĐUJEM NAGRADU? Da, primit ćete e-poruku svaki put kada zaradite! - KAKO MOGU AŽURIRATI SVOJE PODATKE? Svi vaši podaci bit će ažurirani u programu vjernosti. - POSTOJI LI OGRANIČENJE KOLIKO BODOVA ZA NARUDŽBU MOGU DOBITI? Nema ograničenja. Što ste aktivniji i što više trošite, to ćete zaraditi više bodova! - KAKO MOGU POTROŠITI SVOJE BODOVE? Možete slobodno potrošiti svoje bodove na sve naše artikle Nomad Home! - MOGU LI KORISTITI VIŠE NAGRADA PRI ISTOJ KUPNJI? Da, zaradili ste ove bodove! Što više bodova zaradite, to je veća nagrada. - MOGU LI KOMBINIRATI NAGRADE IZ PROGRAMA VJERNOSTI S DRUGIM POPUSTIMA? Vaše nagrade za vjernost mogu se koristiti u svim našim proizvodima, ali se ne mogu kombinirati s drugim popustima ili sniženim proizvodima. - MOGU LI MOJI BODOVI ISTEĆI? Ne, vaši bodovi su tu da uživate u njima u bilo kojem trenutku bez datuma isteka. - KAKO MOGU PREPORUČITI PRIJATELJA ILI OBITELJ? U svom profilu Programa vjernosti kopirajte i zalijepite preporučenu vezu da biste je podijelili sa svojim prijateljima bilo gdje. - KADA ZARADIM BODOVE, MOGU LI IH ODMAH ISKORISTITI? Da, kada zaradite bodove, oni se automatski stavljaju u vaš profil. Za vas činimo stvari jednostavnima za korištenje! - Ako imate još pitanja u vezi s našim programom vjernosti, slobodno nam se obratite na
  • Šaljete li van Crne Gore
    Da, šaljemo širom svijeta! Morat ćete platiti troškove dostave do vaše lokacije! Koristimo našu lokalnu tvrtku za otpremu umjesto svjetskih tvrtki, a to je kako bi cijena artikala bila niska, a da bi vaša kupnja kod nas bila ugodna! Potrebno je više vremena da stigne do vas, ali sve se isplati :)
  • Neki carinski nalog?
    Ne nemamo nikakve prilagođene narudžbe.
  • Kako mogu zamijeniti artikl?
    1. KORAK: Ako želite zamijeniti svoj proizvod, pošaljite e-poruku na: Navedite svoje ime, adresu, broj narudžbe i razlog zahtjeva za razmjenom. 2. KORAK: Nakon što vaša e-pošta bude primljena i odobrena, primit ćete e-poruku od našeg tima korisničke službe s uputama. 3. KORAK: Molimo obavijestite naš tim korisničke službe nakon isporuke vašeg artikla i navedite broj za praćenje. Najbolje je koristiti USPS, UPS, FEDEX ili DHL za slanje proizvoda natrag. 4. KORAK: Vaša zamjena bit će obrađena po primitku originalne robe, nekorištene iu originalnom pakiranju. Imat ćete 30 dana da odlučite što želite dobiti u zamjenu. Nomad Life HD nije odgovoran za izgubljene ili zakašnjele pakete, za uvozne carine i netočne podatke o otpremi. Nomad Life HD ne pokriva troškove dostave za zamjene i ne nadoknađuje troškove dostave za originalnu kupnju. Kupac je odgovoran za sve troškove dostave za odbijene ili neisporučene pakete.
  • Što se izrađuje po narudžbi
    Artikli proizvedeni po narudžbi su MADE IN MONTENEGRO Artikli (MIM GOODS). Predmeti proizvedeni lokalno ovdje u Crnoj Gori s lokalnim materijalima ili robom lokalnih obrtnika. Zato se proizvode po narudžbi i nisu dostupni na skladištu Vrijeme isporuke procjenjuje se na 1-2 tjedna, ovisno o željenoj količini. Custom Nomad Decoration Line
  • Što je ograničeno izdanje predmeta
    Naši artikli ograničenog izdanja su artikli koji se neće obnavljati ili postoji samo jedan i samo ovaj model dostupan i više ih neće biti. Ti predmeti su posebni i jedinstveni i ručno ih izrađuju domaći ili međunarodni obrtnici Ne mogu se izraditi po narudžbi ili proizvesti po narudžbi.
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