Lovers of all things Handmade, we are totally passionate to bring you a unique and special interior decoration and goods very affordable for you and your home.
Our collection has been carefully curated by our in house architect Valerie who believe in key and unique items to make your home a cozy home wherever you are. We believe in ethical and smart shopping. All of our products are carefully selected to ensure they align with our core values.
All our ranges are selected from local and international artisans perfectly imperfect with a lot character focused on working with natural and organic materials emphasizing the slow-made production, an output that promote quality over quantity, which give us the opportunity to work more on a collaborative way with smaller suppliers. We source with intention and celebrate handmade products appreciating skilled craftsmanship.
Our ethos is to create spaces that are beautiful and in harmony with nature. We strive to seek natural products and materials that did not harm any animal or the environment. We curate our clients loved items into each design, we are big on up-cycling, recycling and embrace the craftsmanship of objects made by hand by artisans from around the globe.
Our Nomad Life name reflects our journey of traveling and establishing in different countries or meaning you are a traveler at heart. That is why we offer affordable, handmade key items to provide you what you need without them being a hassle to take with you if you have to move again or simply you love this range of decoration.
In addition to our products, we also offer workshops hosted by our talented artisans, where you can learn new skills and create your own one-of-a-kind pieces. Keep an eye out for our pop-up artisan events, where you can meet talented makers and shop their latest creations.
Shop with us and support the artisan community while adding beautiful, handcrafted items to your home. Visit us to find the perfect handmade gift or to join one of our creative workshops.
When all started as an online shop from our family home in 2022 and now the opening of our Brick and Mortar shop in the beginning of 2024, this is a Dream come true.
We are totally obsessed with our collection so grab a cup of coffee and check us out !
Upoznajte vlasnika
" Zdravo, moje ime je Valerie, profesionalna sam arhitektica, poduzetnica, majka i supruga, rođena sam Haićanka, libanonskog porijekla i sada sam udana Turkinja, govorim 4 jezika i živjela sam u različitim zemljama svijeta, kad nisam putujem, nalazim se u Crnoj Gori. Sa svojim multikulturalnim podrijetlom i putovanjima, postao sam strastven za ručno izrađene i prirodne materijale s pričom za ispričati, jer sam se pronašao kroz svoja putovanja i osnivanje na različitim lokacijama izrađujući vlastiti dekor za dom u neutralnoj paleti odgovara svakom stilu, NOMAD LIFE STUDIO Odlučio sam pokrenuti internetski ručno izrađeni dekor za dom i nazvao ga Nomad Life jer je to moj život kroz izazov s kojim sam se suočio da pronađem pristupačan dekor bez trošenja novca. Na ovom sam putu također odlučio pomoći mala žena u vlasništvu obrta za ručni rad u svom domu iz moje zajednice, RUČNO IZRAĐENO U CRNOJ GORI one su u mogućnosti ispričati svoju priču kroz svoj rad i pružiti doživotne predmete za uređenje doma za vaš dom. Trenutačno živim nomadskim životom i želim ga podijeliti s vama i pomoći vam pronaći duševne predmete koji će ispuniti vaš dom tijekom mog putovanja. Hvala vam što podržavate moju malu tvrtku i nadam se da vam se sviđa zbirka "
Our Products
Our Workshops
Pridružite nam se na našim radionicama gdje ćete naučiti nevjerojatne vještine dok putujete Crnom Gorom ili ćete jednostavno znatiželjni učiti i biti kreativni. Također nudimo grupne radionice pa nas ne ustručavajte kontaktirati za vaš team building ili jednostavno dobar provod među prijateljima.